Virtually excited for the 2020 Compliance and Ethics Institute

This week – Sept. 14-16 — Is the annual Compliance and Ethics Institute sponsored by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE), of which I am a proud member. I been on the faculty of the Institute for each of the last seven years, and I am not about to miss the #CEI this year just because the event is virtual. It’s a highlight of my year!

Here’s what I am talking about this year:

Monday, September 14, 5:00 PM CDT: “The Trouble with Moral Relativism”I’ll be leading an advanced discussion group at the SCCE Institute about the attitudinal trends represented in increasingly popular thoughts like, “It’s all good,” or “Who can tell – they’re all lying.” We’ll talk about whether this growing normative agnosticism creates unstable ground beneath the foundation of corporate compliance programs and any attempt at ethical leadership.

Tuesday, September 15, 10:15 AM CDT: “Speak-Up Success: Training and Communications to Truly Encourage Reporting and Reduce Retaliation.” – I will lead this workshop at the Institute, along with Amy McDougal and OSI’s Chris Cook about practical and effective ways to generate a Speak-up Culture.

And by the way: If my Compliance and Ethics Institute remarks sound interesting to you, then tune in to my next “Powering the Pandemic Pivot” webinar, Wednesday, September 24, 12:00 Noon ET, where I’ll try to share what I learn at this year’s Institute about fostering Company Culture.

Hope you can join us!


On Key

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