LeadGood Seminars and Sessions in 2018 (Thanks for Asking)

I am honored and excited to have once again been asked to present a double-shot of panels at the annual Compliance and Ethics Institute of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics, coming up in Las Vegas in October 2018. On Sunday, October 21, I will co-lead a three-hour workshop on “Preventing harassment: can compliance ever […]

#SB50Ethics If You’re Thinking Ethics During Super Bowl

Had a fun little idea I want to spread. If you are watching the “Big Game” Sunday Feb. 7 (or the “Big Pre-Game” or the “Big Post-Game”), and a pithy thought pops into your head about ethics, or compliance, or business leadership and culture, please join me in using the hashtag #SB50Ethics. And if you […]

My Proposals for the 2016 #SCCEcei – What’s Your Fave?

I’m really excited about the three panel proposals I submitted last night to the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE), for its 2016 Compliance and Ethics Institute. Thanks to Amy Hutchens, JD, CCEP, Page Motes and Heather Powell for joining in. Our proposed topics were: An advance workshop on drafting and negotiating contracts with compliance […]

Tone at the Very Top: The Umpire Strikes Back

The other shoe has dropped. I wrote last month about concerns that the Justice Department may have gotten off to the wrong foot, tone-wise, following its “Yates Memo” declaration that it intended to prosecute individuals within companies for their organization’s wrongdoing. But, as Mike Volkov so well summarizes, the top enforcer on this playing field quickly found a case […]

Chalk Lines: On Baseball, Groundskeepers, and Compliance

In honor of the end of baseball season, I am recalling (and revising) some thoughts I originally posted last fall— and adding some pictures. Hope this takes you out to the ball game. By Wednesday, the Major League season will come to its last glorious inning. And this afternoon, my son will catch the last game of the […]

Two Things Watching The Oscars Taught Me About Ethics and Compliance

Last Sunday, three of us compliance lawyer types had ourselves a virtual Oscar Party. We three – Amy Hutchens (CCEP), President of CLEAResources; Kirsten Hotchkiss, now an employment and employee relations counsel with American Express Global Business Travel, and I (President of LeadGood, and also CCEP)– conducted an experiment with the following hypothesis: IF the […]

The Oscars, and The Sting Rule of Ethical Leadership

Will the billion-plus viewers of the Oscars this year hear messages that promote a culture of ethics, or erode it? My compliance chum Amy Hutchens and I, and others we hope, are planning to have some fun with that question as we “Live Blog” during the Oscars telecast tomorrow (Sunday, February 22). You can follow […]

On Learning Objectives and Duct Tape

The other night, I watched a group of Boy Scouts plan a skit. Their Patrol had the assignment of teaching the rest of the Troop how you could make first aid supplies out of duct tape. They had the idea of doing a funny little show about a Scout falling out of an apple tree, […]

Compliance, groundskeepers, and chalk lines

This Friday night, my son’s “Babe Ruth Prep” baseball team had its first game of the Fall Ball season. So I found myself, under a clear sky, raking the infield dirt and laying down chalk for the foul lines and the batter’s box. And I had a thought: “Even here, even now, I’m leading compliance!” […]